Latest Episodes
An Invitation to Our Souls | Marcio Fanchin | John 7:37-39
Jesus asks that all who are thirsty should come to Him and drink, and He promises that whoever believes in Him, as Scripture has...
The Consistency of God | Jackie Butt | John 7:1-18, 37-39
God know's we are human, and that we often forget His goodness and faithfulness. That is why He invites us to come to Him...
Our Final Destination | Daniel Macleod | Psalm 23
To paraphrase C.S Lewis, 'we are all hope based creatures'. For all of us, our outlook on life heavily depends on where we put...
Combatting Anxiety | Daniel Macleod | Psalm 23
Do you often feel anxious, worrying about the future, not able to have peace and rest because you often give in to fear? This...
Responding to God's Presence | Tom & Teesh Houston | 2 Samuel 6:1-11, Hebrews 12:1-3
Do you desire more of God in your life? Do you long to encounter Him often? In this sermon, Tom and Teesh Houston remind...
The Good Shepherd | Daniel Macleod | Psalm 23